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IFM On premises


On-site installation for companies wanting everything under control

Our Contact Management software can be installed and run directly at the company headquarters. Large companies and multinationals requiring full control over infrastructure due to in-house policies often prefer our on-premises solutions.


On Premises

How it works

The on-premises mode involves selling software licenses and installing directly on-site to meet the needs of companies with an in-house IT staff and infrastructure resources capable of managing the information architecture in total safety and convenience.

Base Digitale Platform offers a modular and flexible solution which can also be integrated with pre-existing platforms, satisfying needs and providing constant, prompt technical support.

The advantages


Full control over your infrastructure


High volume traffic management


Pays for itself with intensive use


Constant support throughout all phases (installation, maintenance, updating)

Who it’s for

The on-premises model is primarily aimed at companies that already have their own advanced data centre and must guarantee all privacy policies are safeguarded. As such, this model is very popular especially in the banking, insurance and public administration sectors.